In order to be considered for membership, you must be 16 years of age or older, reside or work in or near Wyckoff, be in good physical condition, and possess a valid driver’s license (if over 17). Once you have submitted an application, you will be interviewed by the membership committee and undergo a background check. Upon approval, you will receive all necessary training at no cost to you.
Please fill out the application online and email it to
EMTs provide appropriate care
to patients experiencing both medical and traumatic emergencies. EMTs must:
Be 18 years of age or older
Obtain AHA BLS CPR certification
Obtain NJ EMT certification
Complete a minimum 6-month probationary period with a mentor
Drivers operate our ambulances and assist EMTs in lifting and moving patients. Drivers must:
Be 21 years of age or older
Obtain AHA BLS CPR certification
Complete 4-hour state-mandated class (CEVO4)
Complete an in-house training program with a mentor
High school and college students will gain exposure to patient care while assisting in the back of the ambulance. Students must:
Be 16 years of age or older
Obtain AHA BLS CPR certification
Obtain NJ EMT certification
Complete a minimum 6-month probationary period with a mentor
Please note that we are currently at our maximum capacity for student members. Please check back in Fall 2024 if you are still interested in joining.
We request that you be available for one weekly 12-hour shift (6am-6pm or 6pm-6am) and periodic weekend shifts. A "weekend only" option is in development for prospective new members whose work or other commitments preclude them from fulfilling weekday shifts.
Student members are asked to commit to riding one day a week from 3pm to 10pm. Additionally, student members must commit to periodic weekend shifts. WVAC recognizes that academics come first and accommodations may be made for school-related commitments.
As a thank you for giving back to the community, active members enjoy community perks including free individual membership and discounted family membership to the Wyckoff YMCA, free recreational programs for members' children, waived municipal fees for building permits, pet licenses and more, as well as enrollment in Emergency Services Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP).
What is the process to join the Wyckoff Ambulance Corps?
After completing your application here, please email your application to or drop it in the mail slot of our building at 269 Voorhis Ave. Once your application has been reviewed, our membership team will reach out to you via email or text to schedule an interview. Pending approval of your application, new members will be assigned a mentor, enrolled in a CPR class, and scheduled to begin training as either an EMT or driver-lifter.
How do I become an EMT?
The NJ initial EMT class is a comprehensive 250-hour course, taught by state-certified instructors. The class is available during fall, spring, and summer terms at local training sites. Our membership team will help place new members in a class that works for them and their schedules. Abbreviated 24-hour courses are also available for current physicians, physician assistants, registered nurses, advanced practice nurses, and previous NJ EMTs.
If I am a certified EMT in another state, how do I become certified in New Jersey?
Please follow the directions below from the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management on applying for NJ reciprocity. We will be happy to guide you through the process as well!
Can I join Wyckoff Ambulance Corps as a high school student?
Yes! You may join the department at 16 through our apprentice program, pending completion of a state-approved EMT training course. High school students are expected to ride a weekly shift from 3pm to 10pm, along with periodic weekend shifts each quarter. Please make sure prospective student members reach out to the department directly, not their parents.
Are there any costs to joining?
No! All training and uniforms will be provided to you at no cost.
What benefits are available to WVAC members?
In addition to the satisfaction of helping your neighbors and the confidence of knowing what to do in an emergency, the Township of Wyckoff provides the following benefits to WVAC members:
A free individual membership and a discounted family rate at the Wyckoff YMCA
Free town recreational programs for members’ children
Waived municipal fees for building permits and pet licenses
Enrollment in our Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP)
If you have any further questions, please contact us at 201-848-0400 or for more information.
The WVAC does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, sex religion, or political beliefs but does reserve the right to deny membership based on an applicant's inability to meet the criteria established by the Corps.